Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY tutorials.

This is my first one ever. I hope it's gooooood!

So, I've been obsessed with crafting lately. Blame it on insomnia, the need to be busy when Chloe's napping and the house is clean, the fact that I miss my husband. Whatever. It's fun and it rules. My first tutorial is on how to make a sweet scarf our of an old t-shirt. Here goes...

I'm using a few loops from a grey t-shirt to mix it up. :)

If you get confused as to how to do the fish tail braiding, click on this link and check out this video. Minus the hair, it's pretty much the same idea. :)

Fabric flowers...It may take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, it's super easy and you can modify the style. Please click here to watch a tutorial on how to make them.

Sweetness! Have fun making your scarf and looking awesome!!



  1. Oh my goodness, I love you so much. Great tutorial Jen! Your scarf is total awesomeness. This post is sooo you in sooo many ways. Raar. Haha! Brought me back to our roomie craft days! ~Nomi
