Saturday, November 13, 2010

The fact that hilarious things happen to me on a daily basis.

No, I'm serious. Daily! So, I've decided that once a week, I'm going to share a story of total hilariousness. The way I've learned to tell stories is from my dear sweet mother. Which means that they're very detailed. Probably too detailed, but you'll just have to deal with it. Bear with me. It's worth it. :) Disclaimer: I am not responsible if you don't think my stories are funny. This just means that you might not have a sense of humor, in which case, come spend a week with me and you'll get one..

For my first story, I've decided to just put it all out there. If you're a good friend of mine, you know this story all too well, because we've even made inside jokes and actions to it. I'm sorry if you find this offensive-you probably will. I know I did when it happened to me.

A couple years ago I was in Florida with my girl, Kitty,  and we decided that it would be a good day to go to the pool. We were staying in a condo in her parents neighborhood, and it wasn't too far away. Side note-we drove a tricked out golf cart through the neighborhood to the pool and when we got there, a bee got stuck in my hair right next to my ear and I was screaming, "KITTY GET IT OUT, KITTTYYY!!!" And she just swatted the air once and ran away from me. In her defense, I would have done the same thing. And now we laugh about it until we cry, so in a way, I'm really glad that she did that. But if the bee would have stung my face...different story...

Anyways. Back to the story-it was the most beautiful, hot, sunny day in the history of all of Florida. We got into the pool with our ice waters and sat on the edge chatting for a while. We were the only people in the pool until this older woman came in for a dip. (For those of you who know this story-Joe just said, "a DOUBLE dip..."Hahaa!!!!) We smiled at her and went back to our intellectual conversation about why we hate birds-we were in the pool on the edge-I was facing towards the pool and Kitty was facing out of the pool, which meant that I had a view of the older woman who was swimming. Not that I was looking, she was just in view.

In the middle of our convo, I noticed that this woman had stopped swimming and was just standing in the middle of the pool staring out into space. She then proceeded to take her top down, exposing herself and went dipping her breasts one by one, over and over, into the pool!! I looked at her in TOTAL disbelief. And then she looked at me. And kept. Dipping. Are you serious?? Was I really seeing this?? Who would do that? WHY would you do that? How could you think that doing that is ok?? I could write so much more about what was going through my mind, but it's too awkward for me to talk about. So...all the while, Kitty's still talking and I HAD to interrupt her. In the softest voice I could use in my state of shock, I started saying, "Kitty, look behind you. Kitty look. Kitty look now oh my goodness, Kitty. Kitty Please look, oh man, Kitty, oh my goodness..."

I think Kitty knew that looking behind her would inevidably be a very bad idea that would have scarred her for life. She made a very good decision in that moment, and she didn't look. I wish I would have been in her position, because then I wouldn't have this memory of a woman dippng her breasts in and out of the pool while making eye contact with me BURNED into my BRAIN for the rest of my life!

To this day, I still have NO idea why someone would do what this woman did. There is really no reason to do it. To go dipping yourself like that. In a public pool. I can't even imagine that it would feel good. I don't know, I've never tried. Maybe I should.

One of my friends summed up the story with these words that just ring true to my heart.

"Whattaya think a THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE????"

The End.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

An organized junk drawer.

It's on my to-do list. I can go either way. It is so easy to shove all the crap that's on the counter into a drawer and never thing about it again...until you need that one pen, or a calculator, or your phone charger...And then you end up digging through combs, staples, papers that should be in the garbage-and then you stab yourself with a knife that somone threw in there. Danger zone.

And then I think about my amazingly organized friend Deb. She is the best housekeeper, decorator and organizer that I have ever known. She seriously puts Martha Stewart to shame. Just walking into her home is like a breath of fresh air. You'd think that there may be one drawer or cupboard that would just have random crap thrown in it-nope! Her junk drawers can't even be called junk drawers! There is a drawer for pens, scissors, pencils, markers and small pads of paper. Then there's a drawer for brushes, hairbows, de-tangler, bobby pins and hair bands. It gives me the inspiration I need to go out and buy a lable maker(who am I kidding-I totally own a lable maker), put all the little randoms in one place and not freak out whenever I have to go searching for a pen.

And seriously-don't even get me started on how much I want this jewelery display drawer (my birthday is just right around the corner...).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The more time I have, the more I want to do something awesome with that time. Like craft. And sell stuff on Etsy. Because really, what else can a mom of 3 do for a job when her husband is on a special task force team that has to be ready to deploy within 30 minutes of a phone call? In the next few weeks, I am planning on picking some items that I would love to make, as well as have for myself. And then I'll maybe start an Etsy shop. Maybe.

This blog has really inspired me to do something with the sewing machine and creative ideas that I have. Both have just been sitting around and gathering dust. Anyways, there are so many cool ideas and links on this blog, that it's going to take me weeks to go through it all! FUN!! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cream Cheese Mints.

I don't know why, but I've had a craving for these mints that my mom makes for days now. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that I miss my family and these mints come with good memories. Making them is a tradition that's been passed down for generations on my Mom's side of the family. We have mint molds that were my Great Grandmother's, and we still use them. My mom and my sweet Auntie make sure that we have these mints on every special family occasion. Weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, anniversaries, birthdays (but only if your age warrants mints...I'm thinking over 60...). Anyways. They remind me of my Grandma and my Mom and my sister and my wedding and many, many other things. Not to mention the fact that they totally RULE. Cream cheese, sugar, pure peppermint extract (sometimes almond, right mom?) and love. Plus they keep for like, years in the freezer. Awesome.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Knitting and Crocheting.

Oh, how I WISH that I could knit or crochet!!! I'm pretty sure I'd be addicted to making everything from armwarmers to hats to play food to little rainbow yarn crocheted baby toys. I know that it's not that hard to learn how to do it. And I love keeping myself busy. I'm always looking for new things to obsess over, and for now, this is it. I'm determined to learn how to knit. Or crochet. Or both.

Just think of how many awesome things you could do with these skills! Christmas presents? Done. Birthday gift for your bestie? Done. Baby shower gift? DONE. That's it. I'm taking a class.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Minx Nails.

If I had all the money and time in the world, I would spend at least a couple hours a week changing the designs on my nails. In reality, I have about ZERO time to spend on getting my nails done, and when I do, it's a quick run in between the grocery store and Starbucks. Plus, spending $40+ on a mani-pedi doesn't really thrill me. But alas, it's one of my most favorite things to do. My good friend Syd had the zebra ones on the last time I saw her, and I totally fell in love. And these designs?? Awesome!!

They last up to 2 weeks with no chipping. And plus, Beyonce wears them, so...


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Isaiah 43, verses 1-7.

These verses have a special place in my heart. I can't even begin to tell you how many times they have lifted me out of a dark place and given me hope.  I come back to this marked up page in my Bible daily. I guess I constantly need this reminder, but I don't think it's a bad thing. These words are so incredibly personal, and yet they're written to each one of us. It's amazing. To think that I have a God who loves me this much...and you do, too.

1 But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob,
          And He who formed you, O Israel,
          “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
          I have called you by name; you are Mine!

2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
          And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
          When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
          Nor will the flame burn you.

3 “For I am the LORD your God,
          The Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
          I have given Egypt as your ransom,
          Cush and Seba in your place.

4 “Since you are precious in My sight,
          Since you are honored and I love you,
          I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.

5 “Do not fear, for I am with you;
          I will bring your offspring from the east,
          And gather you from the west.

6 “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’
          And to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’
          Bring My sons from afar
          And My daughters from the ends of the earth,

7 Everyone who is called by My name,
          And whom I have created for My glory,
          Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.”


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Silly Bandz.

For real?? YES. I am totally for real. I know that some would argue this statement, but think about it. They're cute, they're fun, they're cheap, they make people happy and they've helped my girls practice sharing. Of COURSE that's awesome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I've loved it for years. Handmade items by (mostly) amazing crafters. Some of my absolute favorite things have come from this site. More specifically, the people that sell their beautiful handmade goods on the site. It's inspiration for me to start sewing and crafting and decorating my new home! We'll have 4 bedrooms in our new place-that's double than what we've ever had! What are we going to do with all the space?? My answer? Anthro-inspired craft room! We'll see...I have children that need a playroom, guests that might need a guest room and I was also thinking of starting up massage again (or for the first time...). We shall see.

Today is a peaceful day. The girls are making forts and memories. I'm cleaning, doing laundry and listening to my iTunes mix. Joe has been busy doing Army things today. Life is good. Finding little things that make you happy makes it even better. Get ready to fall in love with etsy (if you haven't already)...

What a great way to start a morning.


Tacky or totally cute...I haven't decided yet.

Beautiful little laptop case.

I bought this 3 years ago. I only bring it out for special occasions because it's so fragile.
It's probably my absolute favorite scarf in the whole world.

This is an etsy shop worth mentioning... Check out all of the GORGEOUS handmade home decor!!! AHH!

I could sit and find magical things on etsy all day long. Things like this make me really happy. It reminds me of my friends back home and in CA and in NY. Kisses to you all!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Waking up every morning and deciding to have a GREAT attitude.

I've been thinking about starting a new blog for a while. I have had absolutely NO idea what I wanted it to be about. Last night, as I was sitting with Joe, it kind of just came to me. You know what's awesome?? A lot of things! THIS. Right here. Right now. The reality is this: Our sweet little Hanson family just up and moved away from everything we've ever known. Our family, our church family, our dear friends who ARE family...and now we're in North Carolina. Alone. This could be a very bad situation, but you know what? It isn't at all. God promises that He works everything together for the good of those who love Him and I believe that with my whole heart. He has. In the past year and a half, he's given our family the best friends that we've ever had, He's deepened friendships that were already established, He's allowed me to spend time with Joe when we thought we wouldn't see eachother for at least 11 months, He's made Joe and I rely on Him more than we ever had before...and SO much more.

The way I see it, I could be sitting here, like so many Army wives, brooding over the fact that "the Army has moved us here away from everyone..." but you know what? I'm not going to do that. Ever. I will not be that woman. I have my Jesus, my husband, my family and a HUGE network of people that, even though the miles seperate us, will support me through anything. AHH!! How GREAT is that?!? I hope you know that I'm here for you, too. If you're reading this, you've made a difference in my life and I appreciate you.

We all have a lot to be thankful for, and we all have things that we're struggling with. Life is never going to be perfect. And just when it seems like things are finally getting better or at least smoothing out, something always happens to knock us off balance. At least that's what I've noticed. But those are the times we can cry out to our God and tell Him that we can't do it on our own. Because we can't. There are always going to be things that we can't control. A flat tire, the loss of a job, screaming children, someone's bad attitude, seriously, the list goes on. The only thing we can control is how we deal. I'm choosing to wake up every morning with a smile. There are a lot of things to be thankful for. Like Unicorns. And double rainbows.

Be happy, because, why not?